Flat Earth – Poisoning Our Millennials

Image of Flat Earth
To a large number of Millennials, this is what Earth looks like.

Flat Earth Appeals to Millennials

It’s 2019 and Flat Earth is still a thing.

There is a difference between being a “renegade” and throwing away a basic fact of life that has been a staple to our understanding of the planet and the universe.

But who cares about science anymore anyways?

It’s all about feelings today. Scientists and scholars? Well, they are authority, and we all know authority is bad. Also, the horizon is flat and it doesn’t feel like we are moving, therefore my perception trumps all. This is my reality, this is how I IDENTIFY. This is the culture that we have created, and this is the fuel for this type of movement.

Millennials Crave the Acceptance and Importance the Flat Earth Society Gives

This is nothing new. Entire business philosophies and systems have been forced to change to retain employees that are in this demographic. This is where the Flat Earth Society thrives. They bring these youth in, tell them they are “woke”, they are part of “the resistance”, (sound familiar?), and that everyone is against them so they need to “band together”.

The flat earth is a cult, plain and simple. A cult we created.

jacob Billett, CEO of Billett Enterprises, gives his opinion on why a surprising about of millennials do not believe in a spherical Earth.

This video, upload by CEO Jacob Billett, illustrates some of the factors he feels, contributes to this incredibly ignorant movement that has had major time in the spotlight and in mainstream media.

The study he is referencing can be found here.

We are Accountable

This didn’t happen overnight. The generations before this have laid the groundwork for things like this to happen. Predatory practices such as:

  • Predatory Lending
  • Corrupt Government
  • Dishonest Politicians
  • Biased Media
  • Greedy Personalities

All of these reasons plus countless more have made this generation despises authority. Influencers are now how businesses target these demographics, and once you are someone that is trusted, regardless of your credentials, experience or background, you are now a legitimate source for any and all things.

So now, of course, greedy influencers are coming in and manipulating people in all sorts of ways. Flat Earth is one of those ways.

How to Beat the Flat Earth

Scientific debate is not the answer. It has been tried, and you can never win an argument based on stupidity. It is not an argument that has a truth to it, as truth is now based on emotion.

This needs to be approached by correcting society as a whole, to bring honesty back to authority, to remove the “victim” mentality form the world and the negative association with “the system”.

And that is only the very tip of the iceberg. The iceberg that threatens to destroy our society as it did the Titanic.

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